Ethos Dental Centre, Shop 5 Ringwood Square Shopping Centre, Ringwood 3134 | (03) 9870 9297

Childrens Dentistry

Many parents may be hesitated or reluctant to take their children to the dentist, however once they do things can change for the better.

It is recommended when a child turns two years old, it is time to take them visit child friendly dentist for a check-up.

The first visit:
Your children will meet the dentist and have the opportunity to get used to the environment and the dentist chair, so they can feel comfortable. The consultation involves a visual inspection with oral examination and making sure there is nothing unusual with the child’s teeth and gums. The dentist will show of their equipment to the child, such as the dental mirror and will play a game of counting the child’s teeth. Afterwards, the parents have the opportunity to ask any questions and concerns can be answered.
The dentist will educate the child and parents on brushing techniques and the importance of healthy nutrition on teeth.

The next stage:
Around the ages of four and six, the dentist may decide to take x-rays. The x-rays will reveal what is between the teeth and under the gums, spotting decay that is between the teeth and also shows the number, position and size of teeth under the gums. This can determine if there is any crowding of the teeth as an early sign for possible future orthodontic treatments.

Keeping the child’s teeth healthy:
It is paramount to give a little helping hand to brush a child’s teeth and floss until they are seven or eight years old.
Teaching your child to brush well with a small, circular motions and keeping a 45-degree angle towards the gum line. Having and teaching a good routine will help keep care of the child’s teeth and give them a good habit as they are adults.
Ensure the child has a variety of nutritious foods such as fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water. Try to avoid sugary or highly processed foods and sugary drinks.

What is the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)?
Children’s between the ages of two and eighteen years of age, may have access to a means-test basic dental care through the public system and any private dentist that accept CDBS. The dentist would be able to check for eligibility or you could check at the Department of Human Services website.
The benefits for basic dental services, including examinations, X-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions. They are capped at $1000 per child over two consecutive calendar years.

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